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NUTRITION is a complex science. This isn’t your mother’s cooking class- it is chemistry, biology, and physiology. These are HARD SCIENCES. If we can look at nutrition from a science perspective we can allow ourselves to accept that it is difficult to understand and most of us need help to make sense of it. On top of that there are endless amounts of information out there and a lot of it contradicts itself.

Heart Health is Important to Our CEO

Because of her own family history regarding heart health, it is a very important topic to our CEO, Michelle. This February we want more women to take notice of their cardiovascular systems and how they can best care for their hearts. Over the years, through significant efforts by the American Heart Association and the medical and wellness community at large, women now see heart disease as something that affects women nearly as often as men.

Taking Care of Your Brain

Your brain is you and you are your brain. It’s the size of your fist, weighs about 3 pounds—and is in charge of everything your mind and body do. It never shuts down and is even active when a person is sleeping. Everyone is walking around with billions of bits of information in their brains. In order for our brains to work most effectively, they require healthy, consistent energy and a balanced input/output.

Manage Your Stress or it Will Manage You

EVERYONE IS BURNT-OUT. You are. We are. They Are. He Is. It’s affecting everyone! The last few years have taught many of us how to ‘hang in there’ but even the most well prepared are having a hard time. Our team members need more support because like Ferris Bueller says, ‘Life Moves Pretty Fast’ so we have to keep up.

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