All posts tagged: Fresh

Heart Health is Important to Our CEO

Because of her own family history regarding heart health, it is a very important topic to our CEO, Michelle. This February we want more women to take notice of their cardiovascular systems and how they can best care for their hearts. Over the years, through significant efforts by the American Heart Association and the medical and wellness community at large, women now see heart disease as something that affects women nearly as often as men.

Ready to Lose Weight or Tone Up for Summer?

Nutrition and Exercise are vital components to a wellness plan. Together with good sleep hygiene and stress management, they can make up feel our best! Choosing healthy foods and staying active have many health benefits including: better brain function, healthy cholesterol and blood pressure, improvements in memory and mood, better sleep, decrease in risk of several chronic conditions, and many more! Learn more about how we can help you achieve the health you desire!


A healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy pregnancy outcomes, supports normal growth, development and aging, helps to maintain a healthy body weight, and reduces the risk of chronic disease leading to overall health and well-being.

Employee Wellness Programming

Work-related stress alone can cost up to $300 billion a year, and companies now recognize that poor wellbeing at work creates massive economic and productivity losses. A Global Wellness Institute survey found that 70-80 percent of US companies believe that wellness programs reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

How Wellness?

Ok, so most of our readers probably have a good idea of WHY WELLNESS is important, but HOW to put it together can be a daunting task. More often than not, team member well-being and culture oversight falls on the HR team.

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