Work-related stress alone can cost up to $300 billion a year, and companies now recognize that poor wellbeing at work creates massive economic and productivity losses. A Global Wellness Institute survey found that 70-80 percent of US companies believe that wellness programs reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.
Here are 5 ways you can create a culture of calm at your company:
- Encourage stretch breaks throughout the day
- Allow employees to put natural lighting in their offices (if able)
- Create a no-interruption time of day (30 minutes or more)
- Communicate deadlines in a timely manner
- Host a daily/weekly meditation -there are some great ones on YouTube
Stress in one of the leading causes for visits to the doctor. For most visits, it is the symptoms of chronic stress that lead a person to make an appointment. Symptoms of chronic stress can include: digestive concerns, headaches/migraines, muscle stiffness, back/neck pain, anxiety, unexplained weight gain, depression, skin rashes, and more. Our doctors often treat the symptoms but not always the root cause. Helping employees better understand the cause of their stress, and encouraging them to manage it will benefit both the company, the individual, and their family members.
Contact Wishing Well Works to learn more about Stress LESS, Meditations, and other stress reduction options.